Can I Get an Occupational Driver’s License?

August 15, 2018

Lewisville DWI Lawyer Explains Occupational License Eligibility after a DWI License Suspension

Under Texas state laws, police officers must confiscate your driver’s license after arresting you for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). Fortunately, this does not necessarily mean that your license is suspended. With the help of a Lewisville DWI lawyer, you might be able to prevent a license suspension or get an occupational license. This allows you to continue working, going to school and continue living your life.

Since our Lewisville law firm opened, we guided those facing possible license suspensions from DWI charges. The experience two of our attorneys gained in their work as former police officers give our firm unique insight into Texas DWI laws. With this knowledge, we have successfully defended hundreds facing criminal charges in and around North Texas. We provide the cost-effective, personalized representation needed after a DWI arrest.

Can I Stop My License from Being Suspended After a DWI Charge?

Beginning with your DWI arrest date, you have a very limited time to stop the state from suspending your license. Two of our criminal attorneys are former police officers. Thus, they understand the administrative processes involved with DWI charges and license suspensions.

According to Texas law, if you refused or failed a sobriety test, you have 40 days from your arrest before the license suspension automatically goes into effect. If you make a request for an administrative license hearing within 15 days of your arrest, you could prevent the state from suspending your driving privileges.

Warning: There are some situations where you cannot stop the administrative powers from enforcing a license suspension. However, you might qualify for an occupational driver’s license if you lose your license.

What is an Occupational Driver’s License (ODL)?

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) might issue an occupational license, also known as an essential need license, if you can prove that you need a driver’s license to carry out essential functions. Texas grants these licenses to people who need them for work, school or to perform essential household duties. Those wanting an ODL must file forms with the court and have a judge sign the order.

Legal update: Beginning September 1, 2015, all vehicles owned and operated by those with suspended licenses for DWI must have working interlock devices equipped for the entire period of their license suspensions. You no longer have to prove essential need to receive an occupational driver’s license.

There also may be other applications and fees associated with seeking this type of license. Our Lewisville DWI lawyer can walk you through them as well as make sure you meet all deadlines.

Contact a Lewisville DWI Lawyer to Learn If Our Firm Can Provide the DWI Defense You Need

We have years of experience assisting those facing serious repercussions from consequences under Texas DWI laws. To learn more about how our attorneys can protect your driving privileges, then schedule a free consultation with us. You can call (469) 630-9555 or contact our DWI attorneys online by submitting a confidential form.

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August 30, 2018
Lewisville DWI Lawyer Adds it Up  What are important factors to consider when hiring a Lewisville DWI lawyer to fight your drunk-driving arrest? Experience? Of course. Past success? Yes. Cost? Absolutely. However, it is also crucial to understand the real costs and consequences associated with a DWI (driving while intoxicated) conviction in the state of Texas. After all, the DWI defense strategy you choose may have a serious impact on your freedom, finances, and future. Reach out to the Lewisville DWI attorney s of Michael Crowder Law to schedule a free consultation following a DWI arrest. As a former police officer, I understand that the financial costs of a DWI arrest or conviction is only one portion of the total consequences involved. You may have been arrested or charged with a DWI, but you still have legal rights. We will uphold them. Should I Plead Guilty to a DWI Arrest in Texas? Many people plead guilty to a DWI only because it seems like the least expensive option, but this is not always the best choice. If you plead guilty to a DWI, you have been convicted of a crime. You may face financial consequences, jail time and you establish a criminal record. The real cost of a DWI conviction comes after the guilty plea — and can be enormous. What Does a Texas DWI Charge Cost? In Texas, DWI convictions can cost between $8,000 and $10,000 before attorney fees. If you face DWI charges or failed a breathalyzer , here is a breakdown of the costs and consequences you may be facing: DWI fines – Up to $4,000 for a first offense Court costs for DUI – $400 – $500 Mandatory DWI classes and counseling – Up to $500 Texas DWI probation – $60 per month for two years Up to a year in jail Increased car insurance rates A suspended driver’s license – Up to one year Driver’s license reinstatement fees – $125 Driver’s license surcharge — $1,000 per year for three years; $2,000 per year if your breath test result is higher than .15 The driver’s license surcharge is the biggest piece of the pie when considering DWI costs. Most Texans are not even aware of the DWI driver’s license surcharge law. Repeat DWI offenders could face much higher fines, longer jail sentences, and felony charges. Then, if children under fourteen years of age are in the car at the time of the DWI arrest, a felony charge may be enforced. In Texas, DWI offenders guilty of more than one felony level charge could face from 25 to 99 years in prison. While the financial costs are very important to consider, also keep in mind how important it is to keep your criminal record clear. A DWI conviction could remain on your criminal record indefinitely. This means it is attainable by future employers, the Texas DMV, and other significant organizations. Get a Lewisville DWI lawyer on your side to who will fight your case all the way to trial, if necessary. As a cheaper alternative, hiring an attorney for a DWI arrest also gives you a strong chance of achieving a positive result. What Should I Do If I Was Charged with a DWI in Texas? Reach out to the Lewisville DWI attorneys of Michael Crowder Law if you face DWI charges in Texas. Our Lewisville criminal lawyers are aggressive lawyers who understand what is at stake. They can then help protect you from the damaging effects of a DWI conviction. We can also help prevent a license suspension or apply for a Texas Occupational Driver’s License . Schedule a free case evaluation at our Lewisville, Denton County, law office today. Call (469) 630-9555 or use the online case review form. Our Lewisville criminal attorneys charge reasonable rates and have significant successes fighting DWI arrests. Compare our legal fees to the total costs of a DWI conviction, and see which expense is truly less. Share this post to social media...
August 22, 2018
Lewisville DWI Attorneys Offer Ways to Challenge DWI Charges  The Lewisville DWI attorneys of Michael Crowder Law, P.L.L.C. can help you avoid the adverse repercussions of a DWI charge if you failed a breathalyzer test. According to the Texas DWI laws, first time offenders may face fines up to $4,000, one year in jail, and license suspension up to one year. Multiple Texas DWI offenders face larger fines up to $10,000 and two years of jail time. At the criminal defense law firm of Michael Crowder Law, P.L.L.C., our Lewisville DWI lawyers have had great success defending clients against DWI charges regardless of blood alcohol content reading. Contact our Lewisville DWI lawyers online or by calling (469) 630-9555 for a free consultation. We can then answer questions about failed breathalyzer tests, DWI charges or to learn more about your rights under DWI laws in Texas. Lewisville DWI Attorneys Discuss How to Dispute a Failed Breathalyzer Test For a successful drunk driving charge in Texas, the prosecutor must prove the driver’s blood-alcohol content (BAC) was above 0.08. If you failed a breath test, officers will use the results as evidence to strengthen their drunk driving accusations. However, breath tests can be inherently unreliable. According to the National Motorists Association , there is a 50 percent margin of error for DUI breath tests when compared with blood test results. The smallest procedural or mechanical flaw in the breath test can determine innocence or guilt. To dispute a failed breathalyzer test, you must convince a Texas jury that your breath test reading was influenced by other factors, such as: A defective breathalyzer device: The police must regularly calibrate the breath test devices to remain accurate. Poorly maintained or old breath test devices can yield inaccurate results. This then condemns innocent people to DWI arrests in Texas. Insufficient police training: Much like a speed gun, breathalyzers require specialized training to use to ensure accuracy. If you feel the officer may have had insufficient training, you can question the officer’s ability. Lack of probable cause for drunk driving: If you have been subjected to a breath test without probable cause, you may be able to fight the basis of the breathalyzer in court. Common probable causes for Texas drunk driving charges can include swerving on the road, having bloodshot eyes or the officer smelling the scent of alcohol. Failure to carry out 15-minute observational period before breath test: Before administering a breath test in Texas, officers must observe the possible drunk driver for 15 minutes. This ensures he or she does not engage in an activity that could alter the results of the breathalyzer test. Breathalyzers use infrared spectroscopy to detect even trace amounts of thousands of compounds contained within the methyl group structure. Certain actions may cause false readings, including burping, smoking, vomiting or rinsing with mouthwash. If the officer witnesses any of these behaviors, he or she must wait an additional 15 minutes before giving the breath test. If the officer fails to follow this requirement, it may result in grounds to suppress the use of the breathalyzer results as evidence. A Lewisville DWI attorney can help you collect counter-evidence, such as breathalyzer calibration records, officer training history or proof the officer did not follow the 15-minute wait period. What Factors Can Cause a False Positive Breathalyzer Test? Air temperature, your blood chemistry and how forcefully you blow into the breathalyzer may all skew a breath test reading. Breathalyzer tests use infrared light beams to measure microscopic amounts of alcohol present in the lungs and breath. However, breath tests will report any compound in your system that is probably alcohol. If you fall under any of the following, a breath test may return a false positive result: Diabetes – A diabetic experiencing low levels of blood glucose may have acetone on the breath. This is a byproduct of ketoacidosis. Other symptoms of low blood sugar may mimic that of a drunk driver. This includes slurred speech, confusion, and blurry vision. Furthermore, some breathalyzer devices will not discern between ethanol and acetone/isopropyl alcohol. Fasting, high-protein or low-carb diets – Similar to diabetics, those on restricted diets may have false positive breath tests for high levels of acetone caused by ketosis. Medications – Some over-the-counter and prescription drugs can cause a breathalyzer to show high BAC levels. Common medications that may cause this include certain cold sore medications, inhalers, cough drops as well as cold and flu medications. Smoking – Smoking cigarettes can raise levels of acetaldehyde in the liver and lungs of smokers. Some breathalyzers may then read this as alcohol. Using mouthwash or breath spray – Certain mouthwash brands can contain as much as 27 percent alcohol. Mouthwash and breath spray with alcohol can also stay active within the mouth for up to 20 minutes. Exposure to chemical fumes – Inhaling paint, gasoline, cleaning products or lacquer fumes may result in false positive breathalyzer tests. If you feel one of the above factors led to a false positive breathalyzer reading, contact our Lewisville DWI lawyers . We offer a free consultation and case review regarding your DWI arrest. The Lewisville DWI attorneys of Michael Crowder Law, P.L.L.C. have a proven track record of DWI defense success. As a former officer, Mr. Crowder is prepared to examine the evidence with this insight for possible flaws, negligence, and errors. Lewisville Criminal Attorneys with Past Texas DWI Defense Success Texas Jury Finds Driver Not Guilty Due to Improper Breath Test Procedure. In one of our successful DWI cases, police pulled our client over and administered a breath test. It read 0.126. Our Lewisville DWI lawyers challenged the results on the basis that, at the time of the stop, our client’s blood alcohol content was as low as .06. The jury sided with our client. She was facing a DWI charge, a $1,200 fine, two years of probation, 40 hours of community service, a required substance abuse evaluation, a required DWI education class and the possibility of up to 180 days in jail if she violated any of those conditions. Additionally, she avoided having to pay the DWI driver’s license surcharge for three years (a cost of more than $1,000). Furthermore, she got her driver’s license back with no negative implications for her driving record. Her case then ended in expungement of the DWI charge , and there was no public record of the DWI. Officer Ignored 15-minute Wait Period, Driver Not Guilty. During a traffic stop, our client had a breath test result of 0.11. Our Lewisville DWI lawyers challenged the breathalyzer test on the grounds that the officer ignored the 15-minute waiting period by immediately administering the breath test. The judge tossed out the breath test evidence, and the jury found our client not guilty of DWI charges. Police Force Breath Test, Texas Jury Rules in Client’s Favor. In another case, a judge omitted breath test evidence after our Lewisville DWI attorneys showed that our client was improperly coerced into taking the breath test. Our client had a 0.095 BAC, and a jury ruled in our favor after the judge dismissed the evidence. DUI/DWI in Texas? Get Drunk Driving Defense from Local Denton County Attorneys with Proven Defense Tactics Do not assume that because failing a breath test means an automatic charge for driving while intoxicated. If you received a DWI charge in Texas, the Lewisville DWI attorneys of Michael Crowder Law, P.L.L.C. may be able to help gather counter-evidence and dispute your DWI arrest. We serve clients across DFW, including Arlington, Grand Prairie and the smaller cities of The Colony and Coppell. Please contact our Lewisville DWI lawyers for a free consultation of your best DWI defense options today. Share this post to social media...
May 8, 2018
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